Category Miscellaneous

Nothing to see here yet!

Sorry folks, no new updates as of yet. Stay tuned!

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[Mann Co.] General Lottery Rules

These are the general lottery rules, read them and please, be aware of them. These rules may change at any times, especially when some things has been forgotten to be added.

Participation in ONE site only!
It’s important that you only join/participate the lottery in 1 site and 1 site only. Please don’t join through multiple forums as it makes my job harder. I’ll add a list of forums you can join in every single lottery I make within the main news.

Free to Play Users
I’m afraid I have to disappoint the Free to Player users for my lotteries. Only premium users are allowed to join. I’m sorry for this, but I prefer to play safe. Why don’t you become a premium? It’s cheap and Team Fortress 2 is well worth it.

SteamREP Tagged Users
For obvious reasons, all people who have been SteamREP tagged as a scammer will not be able to claim any item. However, those who have been tagged as caution will be reconsidered depending on how you gained it. Your SteamREP history will be checked as well!

Playtime requirements
Everyone who wishes to join needs to have at least a play time of 100+ hours. I’m sure you can manage, right?

Steam Level requirements
You need to be at least level 6 in order to join this lottery.

No duplicate accounts & No Cheaters!
I do not accept cheating in any kind of way. This includes people who use alternative accounts, I don’t allow people who are banned on my server (Trade server) to join the lottery either.

Do know that I will double check all winners to see if they have truly won. Just because you might have received an invite key, doesn’t mean you can win the items. All people who have not set up their steam community profile page or are private are forbidden to join as well.

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Wall of Donations

Thanks to Geel9, TF2Lottery can now accept donations through an automated bot! Of which you can trade at any time. All donations will be made available for the lottery to use in the future of which of course will be free to join! I really appreciate all the donations folks, thanks in advance!

^ Click on it to go to the profile page to add it as a friend. Be sure that it says “online” though. The bot is launched from my own system so when my system is online, the bot is online.

If by any chance the bot refuses to trade, things broke down, trading someone else or the bot is offline. You are welcome to add me (Skyrider)

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Next Lottery – Care to donate?

Howdy people.

It has been a while since my last lottery, and I was wondering if you guys could lend me a hand. While I do have some items to give away for the next lottery, I’m afraid this might just not be enough. So, I was hoping you guys could help out with a few donations.

Want to help out? Donating is easy! Just add this profile to your friend list:

steamID: Donation bot
steamID32: STEAM_0:1:37221932

The donation bot will automatically accept the friend request and trade you.

I truly hope people can help out to make the next (and always, free!) lottery.

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