Nothing to see here yet!

Sorry folks, no new updates as of yet. Stay tuned!

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[Mann Co.] Stockmarket Bosses

Yet to come!

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[Mann Co.] Stockmarket – headless horseless horseman

The Horseless Headless Horsemann, the undead form of Silas Mann, is a neutral enemy that appears within the stockmarket. Approximately every xx minutes, he spawns at the currently contested control point and hunts down players from both teams. He has a great deal of health, is capable of instantly killing any class with one attack, and will continue to rampage until defeated by the players.

The Horseless Headless Horsemann is referred to as “Team Fortress’s first boss monster” on the official Scream Fortress Update page.

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[Mann Co.] Successfully Joined!

Hello there!

You’ve successfully joined the latest lottery! Your E-mail has been send to me and I’ll reply back with an invite code for you to join.

Please note that this might take from minutes, hours to days because I have to manually invite people. In time however, you’ll eventually get your code. If you still haven’t received the code after a week you are welcome to E-Mail me back at [email protected] and I’ll look into it.

And please, don’t attempt to cheat or submit multiple participation forms. It won’t be good for you on your SteamREP profile page.

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Lottery #6 Participation

Lottery is closed, sorry! better luck next time.

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[Mann Co.] Server Achievements

[ws_table id=”4″]

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[Mann Co.] Free Lottery #6 – She said yes!

Lottery is closed, thanks for joining! And those who haven’t joined, better luck next time

Few weeks ago, I’ve proposed to my girl and luckily she said yes! And long story short, I felt like I should start another free lottery. While I have a lot of items to give out for this lottery, I’ll be smallering down the winners into three. It doesn’t exactly make sense seeing a married couple usually exists out of 2 people. But heck, one extra winner! While there will be less winners this time, those winners will gain more items. I assume that’s a good thing, right? Either way, moving on!

First I’d like to thank GameServers for their big help with our Team Fortress 2 gaming server! Go ahead, go check them out. Click on the shiny logo or Click Here , don’t be shy. I promise it won’t bite, much. They are really an awesome game server provider and always has been very helpful. And hey, if you can. Rent a server with them! You won’t regret it. And while we are at the subject, go check out our Trade Server!, it’s hosted at You can also connect to it by typing connect in the console.

Press the TF2R button to go to the TF2R page of this lottery. It’ll show the time left, people joined, etc.

So, in this lottery.. What items can you win?

For the first winner:

For the second winner:

For the third winner:

Here’s how to join!

There are 3 ways (at the moment) to join the lottery.

First is through

Click on the golden ticket, fill in the info and submit! No worries, registering only takes a few seconds.

The other two ways are:

The first is the Steam Forums, Second through facepunch. Steam Forums & FacePunch has their own join rules of which you can see through the buttons above. Be sure to be familiar with the general forum rules

Click on the steam / tf2f / facepunch buttons (images) to join the lottery through a specific site/forum. Remember, ONLY join through 1 site! I’ll ignore your join request if I see your name / SteamID’s on multiple sites. Further than that.. Good luck!

Lottery is closed, thanks for joining! And those who haven’t joined, better luck next time

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[Mann Co.] Front Page News

Hey Hey everyone!

Be sure to check this page soon! As there’s another lottery coming up! As always, it’ll be free. See you soon! Be sure to check join or to check out our group as well:

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[Mann Co.] General Lottery Rules

These are the general lottery rules, read them and please, be aware of them. These rules may change at any times, especially when some things has been forgotten to be added.

Participation in ONE site only!
It’s important that you only join/participate the lottery in 1 site and 1 site only. Please don’t join through multiple forums as it makes my job harder. I’ll add a list of forums you can join in every single lottery I make within the main news.

Free to Play Users
I’m afraid I have to disappoint the Free to Player users for my lotteries. Only premium users are allowed to join. I’m sorry for this, but I prefer to play safe. Why don’t you become a premium? It’s cheap and Team Fortress 2 is well worth it.

SteamREP Tagged Users
For obvious reasons, all people who have been SteamREP tagged as a scammer will not be able to claim any item. However, those who have been tagged as caution will be reconsidered depending on how you gained it. Your SteamREP history will be checked as well!

Playtime requirements
Everyone who wishes to join needs to have at least a play time of 100+ hours. I’m sure you can manage, right?

Steam Level requirements
You need to be at least level 6 in order to join this lottery.

No duplicate accounts & No Cheaters!
I do not accept cheating in any kind of way. This includes people who use alternative accounts, I don’t allow people who are banned on my server (Trade server) to join the lottery either.

Do know that I will double check all winners to see if they have truly won. Just because you might have received an invite key, doesn’t mean you can win the items. All people who have not set up their steam community profile page or are private are forbidden to join as well.

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[Mann Co.] Lottery #5 – Late Christmas Lottery (2013 Edition)

LOTTERY IS CLOSED!!! No more invites will be send out, thanks for those who have joined!
LOTTERY IS CLOSED!!! No more invites will be send out, thanks for those who have joined!
LOTTERY IS CLOSED!!! No more invites will be send out, thanks for those who have joined!


Another year has passed, and it’s time again for a new free lottery! Or as some of you call it, a raffle. Before we start, I’d first like to mention a few things. And as usual, I recommend you to go through the entire news including the lottery rules as quite a few just sometimes refuse to read anything which results in those people not being able to join this lottery.

First, a small announcement:

For sponsoring our [Mann Co.] Trade Server. it’s worth checking them out.

SoulSharDßlitzencozmo_dDemopan™♪ FusionHawaii Toast♡HelenAngel♡jamelessJJJJL’AssassinoLostprophetpunk

And the rest of whom I might have forgotten to mention. You guys are really awesome!

Referral code is for future lotteries, please use it

Hexide is a group of projects developed by Miz. It includes a shop to purchase TF2 items with money. You can visit the shop at:

You can check the Time Left, Winning chance and Participation list by clicking the TF2R image below:

You can join this lottery through 3 forums:


First things first. In this lottery, 69 items are being given away in to a total of 9 packages. I’d like to give you an overview of the items that you might be able to win. Each item contains its own item pack so to speak. Go on, click on the images below and you’ll see:

style=”width:50px;height:53px;” />

Part of the rules (when wanting to join this lottery) depends on where you are going to join. If for example you are joining through the steam forums, it’s required that you link your steam account with your steam forums profile. Each forum where I’ll be posting this lottery will have their own rule set.

However! The General Rules apply to the entire lottery. By not reading them not entirely or not at all, you’ll have the risk of not receiving an invite code. This is just a friendly heads-up.

You can join this free lottery through 3 forums at the moment, which are:


LOTTERY IS CLOSED!!! No more invites will be send out, thanks for those who have joined!
LOTTERY IS CLOSED!!! No more invites will be send out, thanks for those who have joined!
LOTTERY IS CLOSED!!! No more invites will be send out, thanks for those who have joined!

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